12.4 Payment for DAVIE4 access
With a Pay Per View DAVIE4 license you buy time based access to the DAVIE4. Time based access can be bought per hour, day, week, month and year. See Payment Options
for the costs on Pay Per View.
You must be logged in to ePortal for purchasing time based access to DAVIE4 application:
1. Start the Customernet Access application in ePortal.
2. Select the shopping cart of the DAVIE4.
To get an overview of the order history click on [Order History]
3. Select DAVIE4 to order.
4. Select the License number
5. Select the time slot for which you require access. The price is shown in Euros.
6. Click “Add to Shopping Cart” to add the service to the shopping cart.
Until you have confirmed the order by pushing the button “order”,
the item can still be deleted from your shopping cart.
7.Select [Order] to start the payment procedure.
8. Complete your purchase request in Adyen.
9. Enter the name of the cardholder.
10. Enter “Credit Card number” and “Card verification code” (see What is this for information about the card verification code)
11. Confirm payment.
12. After confirmation, the Pay Per View Request overview is shown.
13. Close the Pay Per View application and click on [Home] to refresh the ePortal page.