12.2 Procedure for ordering DAVIE4 tool


You must be registered before purchasing a DAVIE4.

Via Support Center an order for DAVIE4 can be placed:

1. Log in to ePortal.
2. Select  “Support Center”.
3. Select “System Support for Independent Operators”.
4. Select “I need support”.
5. In the menu “RMI System Support” select the topic “DAVIE”.
6. Select “New DAVIE4(+) order”.
7. Fill in the order form with the required information and submit.

After the order is placed the IO legal representative will be contacted for defining the DAVIE4 order.

The IO legal representative will receive the invoice for the requested DAVIE4 tools.

After payment, the ordered DAVIE4 tools will be shipped preinstalled to the IO legal representative.